Monday, March 23, 2015

Denver Metro Mom's Blog

I am thrilled to announce I am joining the Denver Metro Mom's Blog as both a photographer and a contributor.  Yesterday I spent my morning photographing all of the beautiful mom contributors.  You will be able to learn more about them on their individual bios.  They're amazing women from all walks of life.  I know the perspectives will be diverse and engaging.  Looking forward to learning from all of them.  DMMB will launch in early April to connect moms, educate them on our community, and provide a platform for discussion about parenthood and the like.  I think it's going to be a fabulous experience! I encourage you to check them out and like them on Facebook.  Look at these delicious cookies Southern Sugar Desserts made for us to munch on during our contributor meeting yesterday.  Yum!  Almost too pretty to eat…but that didn't stop me!

Book Bar donated the space for our meeting.  What an adorable, cozy spot.  I could have stayed to read and drink latte's all afternoon!

And here are our contributors!  Unfortunately missing a few who couldn't make it to the meeting.  Looking forward to the big launch in April!


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